Green Space Initiative
Let’s live life the Green Way!


As the name suggests, Green Space initiative envisions a more sustainable and habitable world. It envisages creating green spaces in us and our environment:

Green Headspace

It refers to thinking in an environmentally conscious manner which is more sustainable and eco-friendly. It involves making conscious choices in our day to day life and nurturing nature through individual actions. In a nutshell, green spaces refers to thinking & acting green for the greener world.

Green Space

It translates to eco-conscious practices which prompted creation of green spaces in our environment. It doesn’t necessarily mean planting more trees but adopting habits and instituting ways which lead to conservation of our current ecological wealth and inheritance. In simpler words, it is a destressing mechanism for our environment where we adopt practices that in turn lead to less cutting down of trees or utilisation of other natural resources. For Instance, Recycling promotes green spaces in nature’s resources and will be utilised to create new products.

How to live life the green way?
  • Do you have clothes in good condition that you don’t wear anymore?
  • Do you have toys lying around in your house?
  • Do you have furniture occupying space in your house?
  • Do you have utensils or crockery which you don’t use anymore?
  • Do you have footwear in wearable condition that you don’t wear anymore?
  • Do you have stationery material lying unused?

If the answer to any one of these questions is YES then you join the green way and be part of the Green Space Initiative by donating to those items that are valuable. Your donations will be redirected to the underprivileged sections of the society living in slum areas in and around Ahmedabad.

Whom we cater to:

Whether you are a big corporate organization, residential society, Gym, Store, Club or a school. WE CATER TO ALL KINDS OF ESTABLISHMENTS.

Go Green in 3 just step:
  1. Give us a call on 99714 29654, to book
  2. We’ll set up donation boxes at your establishment for a week
  3. Donations received will be sorted and redirected to slum areas.

Simple? Isn’t it.
Reach out to us and make a difference to our world’s ecological health through your actions!

Connect with Us Donate

About IndiGive Foundation:
IndiGive Foundation is a section 8, non-profit organisation aiming to promote the noble practice of giving for impact-oriented social good. The foundation strives to revolutionise the practice of impact delivery in the country by designing, curating and implementing programs with a focus on true on-ground presence and real change. It envisions a future where social philanthropy is action-oriented, democratic and truly transformative to effect positive change in the society.

Our Testimonials

What our green-goers have to say
about our initiative

"Thank you, CSRBOX and IndiGive Foundation to give us this opportunity to give good things to needy people."

Dr. Lata Bramhbhatt

CSR Manager, Wagh Bakri

“We realized that we have been wasting a lot of our natural resources. This initiative also benefits us as we can share our things with the community, who will reuse them.”

Harshal Shah

CEO, Elsner Technologies

“After conducting this initiative for the whole week, I could see the different sides of our team members. When they participated wholeheartedly, There was an emotional connection between this initiative and its good cause. Thank you IndiGive Foundation and India Recycles, for this opportunity.”

Dipika Parmar

AVP - HR & Operations, VasyERP Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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converting Giving into Goodness

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