IndiGive Foundation is a section 8, non-profit organisation aiming to promote the noble practice of giving for impact-oriented social good. The foundation strives to revolutionise the practice of impact delivery in the country by designing, curating and implementing programs with a focus on true on-ground presence and real change. It envisions a future where social philanthropy is action-oriented, democratic and truly transformative to effect positive change in the society.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller
Same stands true for the idea of Giving. IndiGive Foundation was born in 2019 with an aim to preserve this feeling, practice and the very idea of Giving. With this foundational belief, we embarked on the journey to curate and showcase the impact that every act of kindness, generosity and compassion entails. The struggles we faced during the pandemic shaped our philosophy and work.
We exist to develop an evidence-led and data driven social philanthropy ecosystem, adept at designing, curating and implementing programs affecting true impact and social good.