Challenges of Elderly Care: Caregiver’s perspective

As our population ages, the challenges around elderly people are also growing and that at an unprecedented rate. Elderly care encompasses a wide range of issues, including physical health, mental wellbeing, and social support, making it a complex and multi-faceted problem. However, it's not just the elderly who are facing these challenges, as caregivers also have their own set of unique difficulties while providing care for their loved ones.

Caregiving can often lead to both emotional and physical stress, particularly when caring for chronic conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. The physical demands of lifting and helping with mobility can take a toll on the caregiver's body, while the emotional stress can cause significant strain on their mental health. In fact, research shows that a staggering 22% of caregivers report that their health has gotten worse as a result of their caregiving duties.

To find balance, it's crucial for caregivers to seek respite services that allow them to take a break from their caregiving duties and attend to their own needs, whether it's focusing on their health or pursuing other interests. Respite care can help caregivers maintain their own well-being, which is essential to providing quality care for their loved ones.

At IndiGive Foundation, we recognize the unique challenges that seniors and their caregivers face and are committed to providing innovative solutions in harmony with the modern technology that prioritize their dignity, self-worth, and quality of life. That's why we created the Superbeings program, which consists of three platforms: Superpowers, Supertalks, and Superbuddy.

Our Superpowers program provides a space where seniors can come together and share their expertise, fostering a community of learning, creativity, and growth. The real superpower of this program, however, lies in the joy and sense of purpose it brings to our elderly members. By providing a platform for seniors to continue pursuing their passions and engaging with their hobbies, we empower them to remain active, stimulated, and fulfilled in their later years.

Supertalks recognizes the immense value of intergenerational dialogue and the power of storytelling to connect among generations. It highlights the importance of honoring the wisdom and experiences of older adults, who have so much to offer society by creating a safe and supportive environment for seniors to share their knowledge, benefitting both the younger and older generations and fostering mutual understanding and empathy.

Superbuddy matches seniors with compassionate volunteers based on shared interests and preferences. These volunteers provide more than just assistance with daily tasks - they also provide emotional support and foster meaningful connections with their elderly companions. Superbuddy recognizes the value of companionship and community for elderly individuals in need.

Together, these platforms empower elders, celebrate their contributions, and promote a more compassionate and inclusive society. As the population ages, the need for eldercare solutions becomes increasingly pressing. At IndiGive Foundation, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that prioritize our elderly members. We believe that everyone, regardless of age, deserves to live a life that is meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling, and we will continue to work tirelessly to make that a reality for all.


The Challenges Facing a Family Caregiver  

IndiGive Foundation

IndiGive Foundation is a section 8, non-profit organization aiming to promote the noble practice of giving for impact-oriented social good. The foundation strives to revolutionize the practice of impact delivery in the country by designing, curating and implementing programs with a focus on true on-ground presence and real change. It envisions a future where social philanthropy is action-oriented, democratic and truly transformative to effect positive change in the society.


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